Salsa Dancing Body Language

Salsa Dancing Body Language I thought it would be fun to go over some of the things we learn in dance class. Beyond teaching our feet to move to the beat of the music, there are other important lessons to be learned including body language. What is body language? It is an expression of a feeling, a desire, or even repulsion with our body. People rely on reading physical expressions every day. A smile conveys friendliness. An eye roll indicates when someone is perhaps not quite as receptive as they could be. Crossed arms are a sign that a person is closed off, and so on and so forth. But in social dance, body language is taken to a new level. Not only is your body communicating with the rhythm of the music and your surroundings, but it is also engaged in a kind of physical conversation with your partner. It is important to be sensitive to your partner’s cues, and to react with courtesy to ensure that everyone is having a good time. Dancing with a partner involves hand holding and touching. This is not the time to practice your death grip. If you feel your partner trying to shake your hand away, or spreading fingers apart to create distance, there is a good chance you are crushing their hands. This is a faux pas for a couple of reasons, including your partner’s comfort and the fact that you are inhibiting the ability to move freely. No need to twist your partner’s arm off while crushing their hand. When dancing, it is also important to respect the other person’s “bubble”. If you find yourself dancing with a space invader, a back off message is [...]